AI-based Resource Performance Account Analysis
MPDV Mikrolab GmbH

Analyze Resource Performance Accounts with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Resource performance accounts are an established way to record and categorize times when machines are producing, being set up, or not running due to any number of reasons. This generates a large amount of data, depending on the number of machines and the frequency of status changes. The mApp AI-based Resource Performance Account Analysis uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze this data from the collection of shop floor and machine data.
The user can specify which resource accounts are to be analyzed, which time periods are relevant, and how detailed the evaluation should be. The AI displays factors that have a positive or negative impact on the distribution of times to the selected resource performance accounts. A drill-down allows you to go deeper into the analysis. As required and depending on the objective of the analysis, you can select different factors to identify a trend and verify the effectiveness of measures taken or to detect local anomalies.
Your benefits
You get an overview of the times when your machines are running or not. Artificial intelligence displays available data in such a way that optimization measures can be derived quite easily.
AI-based Resource Performance Account Analysis promoting Sustainability
Machines and equipment that are not or hardly used cause unnecessary costs by consuming energy or losing value. The AI-based Capacity Utilization Analysis helps companies find out about the factors influencing utilization. The insights gained can be used in planning and unnecessary costs are avoided.
Technical information
The mApp AI-based Resource Performance Account Analysis is part of the Resource Management category of the HYDRA X and of the AI Suite.
The mApp uses data of the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).
AI-based Resource Performance Account Analysis in the MIP ecosystem
There are different methods used in production planning. MPDV provides the following mApps for this purpose:
- Machine Monitoring: Collecting machine data.
- Machine Status Analysis: Evaluating historical machine data.
- Machine Performance KPIs: Collecting KPIs, like the OEE.
- AI-based Setup Rate Analysis: Analyze setup rates with AI.
#analytics #artificialintelligence #aisuite #smartfactory #bigdata #sustainability #hydra