MIP Power BI Solution
scieneers GmbH
The MIP Power BI solution brings your data from MIP into Power BI's data model, optimized for analytical questions, to provide answers for you visually and intuitively!
Microsoft Power BI is already used by many companies worldwide to prepare information efficiently and comprehensibly. The MIP Power BI solution package from scieneers now enables you to analyze your own data from the MIP platform in Power BI. The data is loaded into the high-performance data model in Power BI via a predefined interface and updated regularly. We will of course help you with the first steps and show you not only how to connect and use some ready-made standard reports, but also how to extend them with customer-specific calculations and key figures.
Likewise, the combination with data from your own IT systems and value-adding, external sources such as weather or economic data will be discussed.
From now on, use the full potential of the Power BI platform for data from MIP, from user-friendly data exploration to the integrated application of methods from the field of artificial intelligence!
#powerbi #dataanalytics #businessintelligence #selfservice