Work Order Management
MPDV Mikrolab GmbH
Manage production orders
Production orders are usually downloaded from the ERP system. Orders can be supplemented with additional information with the mApp Work Order Management. You can also use this mApp to create and manage production orders, overhead orders, and rework orders. Work plans serve as a template to generate an order. A production order can consist of several operations. You can also assign documents and production resources/tools (e.g. tools) to specific operations.
Optional functions
- Schedule operations in a specific sequence on available machines and workplaces
- Create setup change list automatically based on sequence
- Create material requirements list automatically based on scheduling
- Split and combine operations
- Create and manage parallel and alternative sequences of operations in an order
Your benefits
You will save an enormous amount of time in the management of production orders and make sure that everything is consistent. Everything that needs producing is produced!
Technical information
The mApp Work Order Management is part of the Order Management category of HYDRA X.
The mApp stores data in the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).
Work Order Management in the MIP ecosystem
Collect and evaluate shop floor data based on managed production orders and operations. MPDV also offers the following mApps for this purpose:
- Work Order Execution: collect order data in the shop floor
- Work Order Controlling: evaluate and analyze shop floor data
- Shop Floor Monitor: graphical display of current machine and shop floor data
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