Project Time Management
MPDV Mikrolab GmbH
Simply integrate project time recording
Not all employees have access to often stationary collection devices, like fitters or design engineers, to check working times. Time spent by these employees can be documented and evaluated in the Project Time Management system. The mApp Project Time Management offers functions to create and manage project orders and to assign times accordingly. In addition to collection functions, the mApp also offers evaluations and overviews. For example, you can view order progress and the employee’s comments.
Your benefits
You create transparency in the working times that employees in construction, for example, record and assign to projects. You can also include the working times in controlling.
Technical information
The mApp Project Time Management is part of the Order Management category of HYDRA X.
The mApp uses data of the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).
Project Time Management in the MIP ecosystem
The orders and operations generated with Project Time Management can be managed and evaluated together with other production orders. MPDV also offers the following mApps for this purpose:
- Work Order Management: manage production orders
- Work Order Controlling: evaluate and analyze shop floor data
#digitalization #shopfloormanagement #dsfm #hydra